Kelly Sidoryk


Growth Services 


Holistic Management

Holistic Management is a goal/values driven decision making process that incorporates land, finances and people.

Kelly is a certified educator in Holistic Management and leads introductory workshops, as well as shorter workshops on specific areas – goal setting, financial planning, succession planning, grazing and land planning.

Holistic Management Field Day

Strategic Planning

This planning process involves coming together as a group or organization to develop a long range shared vision and then working backwards to determine where to be in 3 – 5 years; prioritizing objectives for the coming year and developing action steps, resources needed, persons responsible and timeline for the immediate weeks and months. Kelly adapts the process to best suit the needs of each unique group she works with.

Succession Planning/Families in Business

The agriculture community in North America is at a point when many operations need to move into the next generation. For families that work together it is important to create a shared long range vision of both the family and the business. As well as developing a plan for how to achieve that vision. Other areas need to be addressed such as communication; roles and responsibilities; management and ownership transfer; estate planning and contingency plans. Not all transitions are within a family and some unique strategies have been implemented with non-family members.  Kelly develops the approach and designs the plan to meet the specific and unique needs of each family.



Kelly offers one-on-one coaching sessions to assist you with your specific needs. Each of her specialities can be specifically tailored into a one-on-one coaching program to assist individuals in gaining clarity, vision, a sense of direction and a plan to acheive results. 


Kelly has experience presenting to both large and small groups on a variety of topics including: Holistic Management, succession planning, strategic planning, and more. Her style is engaging as she shares her learnings and experiences. Her preference is to involve participants as much as possible to create the best possible learning environment.

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Writing & Photography

Kelly is also a freelance writer and photographer. Her work has appeared in Alberta Beef,  Canadian Cowboy Country, the former Saskatchewan Cattlemen's magazine, as well as numerous industry newsletters. Other than the family and individual portraits, all the rest of the photos on this site are hers. Check out her instagram link for more.